send it to you as update of securityproxy.
clients in JSON. I was thinking about using ExtRA message format with its
integrity and encryption. But it may be good idea to do it in JSON.
I wonder how much work there is to integrate this with EJBCA. This is
way. It should be also in GUI in order to manage it easily and add, remove,
etc. authorized clients.
Currently I have updated ExtRA API package for EJBCA 6.5.0. Configuration
every 5 seconds which is ineffective.
Post by Anders RundgrenPost by Willi TraceI am implementing websocket connection pool from EJBCA to clients
primarily as a replacement of external RA and peer connections which are
not available in Community Edition.
is there any work done on this which I can reuse or build on it?
Of course I would like to publish it to community when it will be ready.
My first concept is working similar to peer connections (although I do
not know current implementation of Enterprise Edition) but through wss. It
should be effective and easily managed through admin GUI authenticated by
Hi Willi,
I'm a former PrimeKey employee who some years ago developed a replacement
I have integrated this with EJBCA but the integration is owned by PrimeKey.
I have been thinking about upgrading the public part (the API above) to
use WebSocket but haven't had any time to do that.
The current scheme uses serialized Java objects which I also want to shelve.
Today I have totally (and forever...) left the WS/XML/XSD camp in favor of JSON.
So a new system would (from my perspective) be built on JSON.
Two-way TLS auth seems good to keep. In my setup I use a symmetric
scheme so that the same cert+key is used in both directions. That is, the
self-signed cert is both server and client.
I had no problems integrating the proxy in EJBCA so I would still
consider making a separate component.
Post by Willi TraceWT
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